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Call for Papers

3rd International Conference of Law, Governance and Social Justice invites all researchers and academician to present there research studies on:

  1. Law (Code= L)
  2. Governance (Code= G)
  3. Social Justice (Code= SJ)


  1. Abstract sent via registration system as presenter;
  2. Choose one the sub theme;
  3. The title is written in capital letters, bold, centered includes the author’s full name (without title), email address,  and affiliation;
  4. Abstract written in English between 150-250 words, using A4 size paper, top and right margins of 3 cm, bottom and left margins of 4 cm; Times New Romans/12pt; Space 1;
  5. The abstract should summarize the contens of the paper in short terms, mention keywords : 3-5 words;
  6. Submission of abstract at the latest on Monday, June 26th, 2023;
  7. The selected abstracts will be announced at Friday, July 14th, 2023

Full Paper

  1. For the selected abstracts, a full paper is required, no later than Friday, August 25th, 2023.
  2. One paper title can only directed to one publisher which becomes a partner of 3rd ICoL GaS.
  3. Full paper sent via-website:, by filling the form provided in website. Author must upload article in Word Format (*.docx / *.doc) with file name format : ARTICLE UNIQUE CODE__MAIN AUTHOR’s NAME__THEME CODE.
  4. All papers will be review by peer review (scientific committee). The results of the peer review scientific committee review will be sent back to author along with the results of the review in the parallel session.  Peer review and ethics statement template (download)  
  5. Revised articles will be reviewed further by publishers through their respective systems and policies to determine potential publication.
  6. As for proceedings follow the author guidelines and templates to prepare the final manuscript (download) 
  7. Submit your full paper in this link 

Presentation Rules

  1. Presentation will be conducted in the paralel class.
  2. Presentation must be in English.
  3. Duration of the presentation will be 10 minutes for presenting and 5 minutes for discussion.
  4. The committee will provide Laptop and LCD-Projector.


  1. Atlantis Press (WoS Indexed for selected papers)
  2. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum (Accredited Sinta 2)
  3. Jurnal Yustisia (Accredited Sinta 2)
  4. Journal Unifikasi (Accredited Sinta 3)
  5. Jurnal Kosmik Hukum (Accredited Sinta 3)
  6. Volksgeist (Accredited Sinta 3)